Congratulations to the 2017 Contractor of the Year Award winners!
Residential Kitchen Under $30K
(Regional Award Winner)
DPS Construction with team member
Intelligent Design Engineering
Residential Kitchen $30K-60K
DiFabion Remodeling
Residential Kitchen $60-$100K
Case Design Remodeling
Residential Kitchen $100-$150K
Residential Kitchen Over $150K
Andrew Roby, Inc.
Residential Bath Under $25K
(National Award Winner)
DeRhodes Construction with team member
Barefoot & Company
Residential Bath $25-$50K
Distinctive Design Build Remodel
with team members Best Tile, Barefoot & Company
and Harkey Tile & Stone
Residential Bath $50-$75K
Distinctive Design Build Remodel with
team members Best Tile, Barefoot & Company,
MGNT Products Group,LLC and Harkey Tile & Stone
Residential Bath Over $100K
Residential Interior Under $75K
Stuart Brown Construction with team
members Best Tile of NC and
Ferguson Showrooms
Residential Interior $75K-$100K
Case Design Remodeling with team member
Residential Interior Over $150K
Cappleman Homes with team member
Charlotte In-Vironments
Interior Element Under $30K
with team members Best Tile, Barefoot & Co
and MGNT Products Group, LLC.
Residential Detached Structure
Residential Addition Over $100K
Residential Addition Over $250K
DiFabion Remodeling with team
members Intelligent Design Engineering,
Best Tile and Harkey Tile & Stone
Residential Exterior $100-$200K
Simonini Homes
Outdoor Living Under $60K
(Best In Show Award)
(People's Choice Award)
with team member
Entire House Under $250K
DPS Construction with team members
Intelligent Design Engineering and
Discount Kitchen Direct
Entire House $250K-$500K
Ferguson Showrooms and
Basement Over $100K
Hopedale Builders
Historical Reno Under $250K
Green Entire House
Commercial Interior
DeRhodes Construction
Home Theater Less than $75K
Moore Audio Video