• History



  •  1930's 
    President Roosevelt establishes the National Recovery Act and NERSICA (The North East Roofing, Siding and Insulation Contractors Association) is born.


  •  1950's 
    President Eisenhower establishes Operation Home Improvement, a nationwide effort emphasizing the rehabilitation of existing homes rather than new construction.  The National Home Improvement Council (N.H.I.C.) emerges from this effort.


  • 1960's 
    NERSICA changes its name to the National Remodelers Association (NRA) to reflect the growing membership and industries it represents.


  • 1980's 
    In 1982, the National Remodelers Association and the National Home Improvement Council joined to establish the National Association of the Remodeling Industry (NARI).


  • 1990's 
     A group of Charlotte, NC contractors meet to discuss how contractors in the area could unite to change the image of contractors and hold the industry to a higher standard.  The group, led by Ray Terry (About Your House Radio Show) unofficially form their association in 1990, meeting regularly to discuss how best to achieve a more professional and ethical industry.  In 1992, NARI of Greater Charlotte officially charters as a chapter of NARI National under the leadership of their then president, Barry Klemmons.  In the mid-90’s the printed NARI directory was born and became the “Who’s Who” in the Charlotte remodeling world.  It was considered a privilege to be listed and to own a directory!  NARI Board members, like David Tyson, were regulars on the WB TV Home Improvement segments.


  • 2010's 
    Recovering from the devastating market crash in 2008, NARI got its mojo back!  After many of its members had recovered from some very lean times, it became evident that the membership considered “giving back” as an emotional benefit of membership with NARI.  Under the leadership of the Executive Director, Mike Waite, NARI of Greater Charlotte advanced its philanthropic efforts through the Jim Harkey Memorial Fund & scholarships, adding Pins 4 Kids and a partnership with Dream on 3, and conducting several “side projects” (like the Parade of Play-homes benefitting the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, at the Spring Home and Garden Show).   As a result of this philanthropy and the strong chapter, NARI of Greater Charlotte was awarded the National Chapter of Excellence Award in 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2019!


  • 2020's 
    Today, NARI of Greater Charlotte is going strong!  We continue the philanthropic legacy of our Past Presidents and Boards by supporting the NARI-Jim Harkey Memorial Fund which awards scholarships to college and trade-bound students each year.  As well, it supports the Charlotte Rescue Mission through our 5th Tuesday Program of providing, cooking, and serving the residents at the shelter every 5th Tuesday.  We celebrate kids through our Pins 4 Kids charity bowling event which has afforded kids with life-altering conditions the chance to live out their sports dreams.  The sub-group, WIN (Women in NARI) work on workforce development in their partnerships with PUT TOOLS IN SCHOOLS and She Built This City.  As well, this winter, WIN is making over 4 common areas at the Safe Alliance Shelter for victims of abuse.  And in throughout all of this, we meet monthly to network, support each other, and stay true to the ethics we uphold as a chapter. 


  • Today, NARI has 52 chapters nationwide and has members in 49 states. In 2000, NARI moved its national headquarters from Alexandria, Virginia, to Des Plaines, Illinois, and as the Voice of the Remodeling IndustryTM, continues to prosper. Visit NARI National webpage >>


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